Gilmore Girls

Lorelai Gilmore has made her share of mistakes in life, but she has been doing her best to see that her college-bound daughter Rory, who’s also her best friend in the world, doesn’t follow in her footsteps. That may be easier said than done, considering that the two share the same interests, the same intellect, the same coffee addiction and the same eyes. (Quelle:
Genre: Drama | Romance
Available at: Netflix (Can be changed/wrong by now. Report errors.)
First Aired: 2000-10-05 Status: Ended Length: 43 Min

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Season 7 (show/hide)
22 Bon Voyage2007-05-15
21 Unto The Breach2007-05-08
20 Lorelai? Lorelai?2007-05-01
19 It's Just Like Riding a Bike2007-04-24
18 Hay Bale Maze2007-04-17
17 Gilmore Girls Only2007-03-06
16 Will You Be My Lorelai Gilmore?2007-02-27
15 I'm a Kayak, Hear Me Roar2007-02-20
14 Farewell, My Pet2007-02-13
13 I'd Rather Be In Philadelphia2007-02-06
12 To Whom It May Concern2007-01-30
11 Santa's Secret Stuff2007-01-23
10 Merry Fisticuffs2006-12-05
9 Knit, People, Knit!2006-11-28
8 Introducing Lorelai Planetarium2006-11-21
7 French Twist2006-11-14
6 Go, Bulldogs!2006-11-07
5 The Great Stink2006-10-24
4 'S Wonderful, 'S Marvelous2006-10-17
3 Lorelai's First Cotillion2006-10-10
2 That's What You Get, Folks, For Makin' Whoopee2006-10-03
1 The Long Morrow2006-09-26
Season 6 (show/hide)
22 Partings2006-05-09
21 Driving Miss Gilmore2006-05-02
20 Super Cool Party People2006-04-25
19 I Get A Sidekick Out of You2006-04-18
18 The Real Paul Anka2006-04-11
17 I'm OK, You're OK2006-04-04
16 Bridesmaids Revisited2006-02-28
15 A Vineyard Valentine2006-02-14
14 You've Been Gilmored2006-02-07
13 Friday Night's Alright For Fighting2006-01-31
12 Just Like Gwen and Gavin2006-01-17
11 The Perfect Dress2006-01-10
10 He's Slippin' 'Em Bread... Dig?2005-11-22
9 The Prodigal Daughter Returns2005-11-15
8 Let Me Hear Your Balalaikas Ringing Out2005-11-08
7 Twenty-One is the Loneliest Number2005-10-25
6 Welcome to the Dollhouse2005-10-18
5 We've Got Magic to Do2005-10-11
4 Always a Godmother, Never a God2005-10-04
3 The UnGraduate2005-09-27
2 Fight Face2005-09-20
1 New and Improved Lorelai2005-09-13
Season 5 (show/hide)
22 A House Is Not a Home2005-05-17
21 Blame Booze and Melville2005-05-10
20 How Many Kropogs to Cape Cod?2005-05-03
19 But I'm a Gilmore!2005-04-26
18 To Live and Let Diorama2005-04-19
17 Pulp Friction2005-03-08
16 So... Good Talk2005-03-01
15 Jews and Chinese Food2005-02-22
14 Say Something2005-02-15
13 Wedding Bell Blues2005-02-08
12 Come Home2005-02-01
11 Women of Questionable Morals2005-01-25
10 But Not as Cute as Pushkin2004-11-30
9 Emily Says Hello2004-11-16
8 The Party's Over2004-11-09
7 You Jump, I Jump, Jack2004-11-02
6 Norman Mailer, I'm Pregnant!2004-10-26
5 We Got Us a Pippi Virgin2004-10-19
4 Tippecanoe and Taylor, Too2004-10-12
3 Written in the Stars2004-10-05
2 A Messenger, Nothing More2004-09-28
1 Say Goodbye to Daisy Miller2004-09-21
Season 4 (show/hide)
22 Raincoats and Recipes2004-05-18
21 Last Week Fights, This Week Tights2004-05-11
20 Luke Can See Her Face2004-05-04
19 Afterboom2004-04-27
18 Tick, Tick, Tick, Boom!2004-04-20
17 Girls in Bikinis, Boys Doin' the Twist2004-04-13
16 The Reigning Lorelai2004-03-02
15 Scene in a Mall2004-02-24
14 The Incredible Sinking Lorelais2004-02-17
13 Nag Hammadi Is Where They Found the Gnostic Gospels2004-02-10
12 A Family Matter2004-02-03
11 In the Clamor and the Clangor2004-01-27
10 The Nanny and the Professor2004-01-20
9 Ted Koppel's Big Night Out2003-11-18
8 Die, Jerk2003-11-11
7 The Festival of Living Art2003-11-04
6 An Affair to Remember2003-10-28
5 The Fundamental Things Apply2003-10-21
4 Chicken or Beef?2003-10-14
3 The Hobbit, the Sofa, and Digger Stiles2003-10-07
2 The Lorelais' First Day at Yale2003-09-30
1 Ballrooms and Biscotti2003-09-23
Season 3 (show/hide)
22 Those Are Strings, Pinocchio2003-05-20
21 Here Comes the Son2003-05-13
20 Say Goodnight, Gracie2003-05-06
19 Keg! Max!2003-04-29
18 Happy Birthday, Baby2003-04-22
17 A Tale of Poes and Fire2003-04-15
16 The Big One2003-02-25
15 Face-Off2003-02-18
14 Swan Song2003-02-11
13 Dear Emily and Richard2003-02-04
12 Lorelai Out of Water2003-01-28
11 I Solemnly Swear2003-01-21
10 That'll Do, Pig2003-01-14
9 A Deep-Fried Korean Thanksgiving2002-11-26
8 Let the Games Begin2002-11-19
7 They Shoot Gilmores, Don't They?2002-11-12
6 Take the Deviled Eggs...2002-11-05
5 Eight O'Clock at the Oasis2002-10-22
4 One's Got Class and the Other One Dyes2002-10-15
3 Application Anxiety2002-10-08
2 Haunted Leg2002-10-01
1 Those Lazy-Hazy-Crazy Days2002-09-24
Season 2 (show/hide)
22 I Can't Get Started2002-05-21
21 Lorelai's Graduation Day2002-05-14
20 Help Wanted2002-05-07
19 Teach Me Tonight2002-04-30
18 Back in the Saddle Again2002-04-23
17 Dead Uncles and Vegetables2002-04-16
16 There's the Rub2002-04-09
15 Lost and Found2002-02-26
14 It Should've Been Lorelai2002-02-12
13 A-Tisket, A-Tasket2002-02-05
12 Richard in Stars Hollow2002-01-29
11 Secrets and Loans2002-01-22
10 The Bracebridge Dinner2001-12-11
9 Run Away, Little Boy2001-11-27
8 The Ins and Outs of Inns2001-11-20
7 Like Mother, Like Daughter2001-11-13
6 Presenting Lorelai Gilmore2001-11-06
5 Nick & Nora/Sid & Nancy2001-10-30
4 The Road Trip to Harvard2001-10-23
3 Red Light on the Wedding Night2001-10-16
2 Hammers and Veils2001-10-09
1 Sadie, Sadie2001-10-09
Season 1 (show/hide)
21 Love, Daisies and Troubadours2001-05-10
20 P.S. I Lo...2001-05-03
19 Emily In Wonderland2001-04-26
18 The Third Lorelai2001-03-22
17 The Breakup, Part 22001-03-15
16 Star-Crossed Lovers and Other Strangers2001-03-08
15 Christopher Returns2001-03-01
14 That Damn Donna Reed2001-02-22
13 Concert Interruptus2001-02-15
12 Double Date2001-01-18
11 Paris is Burning2001-01-11
10 Forgiveness and Stuff2000-12-21
9 Rory's Dance2000-12-20
8 Love and War and Snow2000-12-14
7 Kiss and Tell2000-11-16
6 Rory's Birthday Parties2000-11-09
5 Cinnamon's Wake2000-11-02
4 The Deer Hunters2000-10-26
3 Kill Me Now2000-10-19
2 The Lorelais' First Day at Chilton2000-10-12
1 Pilot2000-10-05
Season 0 (show/hide)
25 Backstage Special2004-11-03
1 Unaired Pilot

Anonymisiert (10/10 Sterne) 2017-08-27 19:04
Lustig, spannend
Anonymisiert (9/10 Sterne) 2017-08-10 11:20
gossip, erwachsenwerden, familie
Anonymisiert (10/10 Sterne) 2017-03-08 15:10
Sie ist einfach genial Man kommt nachhause Es passiert nichts unheimliches Sie ist witzig Es habdelt sich um ein normales Leben und um die Liebe
Anonymisiert (8/10 Sterne) 2017-02-07 21:11
Anonymisiert (10/10 Sterne) 2016-08-07 16:23
Wie im richtigen Leben
Anonymisiert (10/10 Sterne) 2016-08-05 20:05
Super Geschichte
Anonymisiert (10/10 Sterne) 2016-06-22 23:31
Ich finde, sie hat viele witzige Dialoge, aber ist auch sehr interessant und beschreibt das Leben einer sehr jungen Mutter mit ihrer 16 jährigen Tochter, zu der sie ein sehr gutes, freundschaftliches Verhältnis hat. Dieses Konzept gefällt mir, außerdem ist die Serie ziemlich lustig.
Anonymisiert (10/10 Sterne) 2015-11-07 14:53
Herzerwärmend, witzig, Charaktere wachsen einem ans Herz, nicht so düster und überdramitisch aber nie langweilig
Anonymisiert (5/10 Sterne) 2015-09-16 22:06
Anonymisiert (10/10 Sterne) 2015-04-15 16:13
Skurrile und liebenswerte Figuren, cooles Setting und extrem witzige Dialoge.
Anonymisiert vergleicht die Serie mit: New Girl 2017-08-27 19:04
Leben, Skandale, Liebesgeschichten
Anonymisiert vergleicht die Serie mit: Gossip Girl 2017-04-18 20:42
"Mädchen Serie" viel Drama und liebe
Anonymisiert vergleicht die Serie mit: Men in Trees 2015-04-15 16:17
Kleinstadtsetting mit liebenswerten Figuren. Romantische Verwicklungen. Comedy.

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