
Trailer-Source: Youtube (this site is not responsible for the content.
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An ex-cop suffering from obsessive-compulsive disorder solves crimes with various (and usually exasperated) sidekicks. The 'defective detective' may have an abundance of phobias (heights, crowds, and even milk), but also razor-sharp deductive skills, which he uses to help the San Francisco police with especially baffling cases. (Quelle:
Genre: Comedy | Crime | Drama | Mystery
First Aired: 2002-07-12 Status: Ended Length: 43 Min
Genre: Comedy | Crime | Drama | Mystery
First Aired: 2002-07-12 Status: Ended Length: 43 Min
Trailer-Source: Youtube (this site is not responsible for the content.
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Season 8 (show/hide) | ||
16 | Mr. Monk and the End (2) | 2009-12-04 |
15 | Mr. Monk and the End (1) | 2009-11-27 |
14 | Mr. Monk and the Badge | 2009-11-20 |
13 | Mr. Monk Is the Best Man | 2009-11-13 |
12 | Mr. Monk Goes Camping | 2009-11-06 |
11 | Mr. Monk and the Dog | 2009-10-30 |
10 | Mr. Monk and Sharona | 2009-10-23 |
9 | Happy Birthday, Mr. Monk | 2009-10-16 |
8 | Mr. Monk Goes to Group Therapy | 2009-10-09 |
7 | Mr. Monk and the Voodoo Curse | 2009-09-25 |
6 | Mr. Monk and the Critic | 2009-09-18 |
5 | Mr. Monk Takes the Stand | 2009-09-11 |
4 | Mr. Monk Is Someone Else | 2009-08-28 |
3 | Mr. Monk and the UFO | 2009-08-21 |
2 | Mr. Monk and the Foreign Man | 2009-08-14 |
1 | Mr. Monk's Favorite Show | 2009-08-07 |
Season 7 (show/hide) |
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Season 4 (show/hide) |
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(10/10 Sterne)
2016-05-19 12:06

genial, lustig, traurig
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