Trophy Wife

Overview Episodes+
They say the third time’s the charm and reformed party girl Kate is hoping that’s true when she becomes Pete's third wife. She fell into his arms (literally) at a karaoke bar and a year later, Kate’s got an insta-family complete with three stepchildren and two ex-wives. Diane is ex-wife number one, an intense, over-achieving doctor and the mother of twin teenagers Hillary and Warren. Diane is quick to convey her withering disapproval of Kate’s barely tapped maternal instinct. Ex-wife number two, Jackie, is mother to adopted son Bert, and can pull Pete’s strings with her special blend of neurotic, new-ageyness. Juggling all this baggage is uncharted territory for Kate, who finds support with her best friend Meg, a party-hearty singleton and the only woman Kate knows who has less experience with kids than she does. (Quelle:
Genre: Comedy
First Aired: 2013-09-24 Status: Ended Length: 25 Min

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Season 1 (show/hide)
22 Mother's Day2014-05-13
21 Back to School2014-05-06
20 There's No Guy in Team2014-04-29
19 The Minutes2014-04-08
18 Couples Therapy2014-04-01
17 The Wedding (2)2014-03-18
16 The Wedding (1)2014-03-11
15 Happy Bert Day2014-03-04
14 Foxed Lunch2014-02-04
13 The Tooth Fairy2014-01-21
12 The Punisher2014-01-14
11 The Big 5-02014-01-07
10 Twas the Night Before Christmas... Or Twas It?2013-12-10
9 Russ Bradley Morrison2013-12-03
8 Lice and Beary White2013-11-12
7 The Date2013-11-05
6 Halloween2013-10-29
5 The Tryst2013-10-22
4 The Breakup2013-10-15
3 The Social Network2013-10-08
2 Cold File2013-10-01
1 Pilot2013-09-24


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