Danganronpa: The Animation

Overview Episodes+
A group of 15 elite high school students are gathered at a very special, high class high school. To graduate from this high school essentially means you'll succeed in life, but graduating is very difficult. The school is presided over by a bear called Monokuma, and he explains to them that their graduation hinges around committing a murder. The only way to graduate is to kill one of your classmates and get away with it. If the other classmates discover the identity of the killer, the killer is the only one executed. However, if they fail to catch the killer, only the killer graduates and the others are annihilated. Which of the 15 will survive the bloodbath to come? (Quelle: thetvdb.com)
Genre: Action | Animation | Crime | Mystery | Thriller
First Aired: 2012-07-26 Status: Ended Length: 25 Min

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Season 2 (show/hide)
12 (Future) It Is Always Darkest2016-09-26
11 (Future) All Good Things2016-09-19
10 (Future) Death, Destruction, Despair2016-09-12
9 (Future) You Are My Reason to Die2016-09-05
8 (Future) Who Killed Cock Robin?2016-08-29
7 (Future) Ultra Despair Girls2016-08-22
6 (Future) No Man Is an Island2016-08-15
5 (Future) Dream of Distant Days2016-08-08
4 (Future) Who Is a Liar2016-08-01
3 (Future) Cruel Violence and Hollow Words2016-07-25
2 (Future) Hang the Witch2016-07-18
1 (Future) Third Time's the Charm2016-07-11
Season 1 (show/hide)
13 Goodbye, Despair High School2013-09-27
12 The Reason Super High School-Level Bad Luck Attracted Super High School-Level Murder, Super High School-Level Execution and Super High School-Level Despair2013-09-20
11 Not Normal Arc: The Junk Food of Despair for Racing through Youth2013-09-13
10 (Not) Normal Arc: The Junk Food of Despair for Racing through Youth2013-09-06
9 All All Apologies II2013-08-30
8 (Not) Normal Arc: All All Apologies2013-08-23
7 Not Normal Arc: Return of the New Century Galaxy Legend! O Armored Hero, Stand upon the Earth!2013-08-16
6 (Not) Normal Arc: Return of the New Century Galaxy Legend! O Armored Hero, Stand upon the Earth!2013-08-09
5 Not Normal Arc: Weekly Shonen Despair Magazine2013-08-02
4 (Not) Normal Arc: Weekly Shonen Despair Magazine2013-07-26
3 Not Normal Arc: Kill and Live2013-07-19
2 (Not) Normal Arc: Kill and Live2013-07-12
1 PROLOGUE: Welcome to Despair High School2013-07-05
Season 0 (show/hide)
3 Danganronpa 2.5: Nagito Komaeda and the Destroyer of the World2017-01-12
2 Ultra Despair Girls2014-09-24
1 Recap of Danganronpa 22012-07-26

(Quelle: thetvdb.com)

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