Tokyo Ghoul

In Tokyo ghouls are up to mischief. When it gets dark, they attack innocent citizens and feed on their flesh. Externally, they are indistinguishable from their fellow human beings. And worse: they live in the middle of us! Who knows, maybe the nice girl from the café or the neighbor next door has a little weakness for human flesh ?! So it's no wonder that bookworm and freshman Ken lands in the middle of a ghula's arms. Cute Rize is too great to be true: her first date with Ken even takes place in a bookstore! But when she leaves, she reveals her true nature and attacks Ken. Ken survives the ghoul attack by an incredible coincidence - but with serious injuries. He must be transplanted to his attacker's organs so that he can continue to live. At first his life goes on quite normally, but gradually he discovers some inconsistencies and develops strange cravings ... (Quelle:
Genre: Action | Animation | Drama | Fantasy | Horror | Romance | Thriller
First Aired: 2014-07-04 Status: Ended Length: 25 Min

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Season 3 (show/hide)
24 The Final Episode2018-12-25
23 Act: Encounters2018-12-18
22 Call: The Far Side of Tragedy2018-12-11
21 Morse: Remembrances2018-12-04
20 Incarnation: Awakened Child2018-11-27
19 Proof: Bonds2018-11-20
18 Face: Effulgence2018-11-13
17 Move: Confluence, Confusion2018-11-06
16 Vive: Those Left Behind2018-10-30
15 Union: Cross Game2018-10-23
14 Volt: White Darkness2018-10-16
13 Place: And So, Once Again2018-10-09
12 Beautiful Dream: Dawn2018-06-19
11 Write: Failure2018-06-12
10 Think: Wavering2018-06-05
9 Play: Ghost2018-05-29
8 Take: The One That Wriggles2018-05-22
7 Mind: Days of Recollections2018-05-15
6 Turn: In the End2018-05-08
5 Press: Night of Scattering2018-05-01
4 Main: Auction2018-04-24
3 Fresh: Eve2018-04-17
2 Member: Fragments2018-04-10
1 Those Who Hunt: START2018-04-03
Season 2 (show/hide)
12 Ken2015-03-27
11 Deluge of Flowers2015-03-20
10 Last Rain2015-03-13
9 City in Waiting2015-03-06
8 Old Nines2015-02-27
7 Permeation2015-02-20
6 Thousand Paths2015-02-13
5 Rift2015-02-06
4 Deeper Layers2015-01-30
3 Hangman2015-01-23
2 Dancing Flowers2015-01-16
1 New Surge2015-01-09
Season 1 (show/hide)
12 Ghoul2014-09-19
11 High Spirits2014-09-12
10 Aogiri2014-09-05
9 Birdcage2014-08-29
8 Circular2014-08-22
7 Captivity2014-08-15
6 Cloudburst2014-08-08
5 Scars2014-08-01
4 Supper2014-07-25
3 Dove2014-07-18
2 Incubation2014-07-11
1 Tragedy2014-07-04
Season 0 (show/hide)
5 Tokyo Ghoul S2019-07-19
4 Tokyo Ghoul S2019-07-19
3 Tokyo Ghoul2017-07-16
2 Tokyo Ghoul: Pinto (OVA)2015-12-25
1 Tokyo Ghoul: Jack (OVA)2015-09-30


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