
Trailer-Source: Youtube (this site is not responsible for the content.
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Once a powerful lawyer, Billy McBride is now burned out and washed up, spending more time in a bar than a courtroom. When he reluctantly agrees to pursue a wrongful death lawsuit against the biggest client of Cooperman & McBride, the massive law firm he helped create, Billy and his ragtag team uncover a vast and deadly conspiracy, pitting them all in a life or death trial against the ultimate Goliath. (Quelle: thetvdb.com)
Genre: Crime | Drama
Available at: Prime Video (Can be changed/wrong by now. Report errors.)
First Aired: 2016-10-14 Status: Ended Length: 55 Min
Genre: Crime | Drama
Available at: Prime Video (Can be changed/wrong by now. Report errors.)
First Aired: 2016-10-14 Status: Ended Length: 55 Min
Trailer-Source: Youtube (this site is not responsible for the content.
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(Quelle: thetvdb.com)
Season 4 (show/hide) | ||
8 | It's Time | 2021-09-24 |
7 | Lawyer Trickery Bullshit | 2021-09-24 |
6 | Rundleworks | 2021-09-24 |
5 | Spilt Milk | 2021-09-24 |
4 | Forcibly Removed | 2021-09-24 |
3 | Signed, William Hamilton McBride | 2021-09-24 |
2 | The Pain Killer | 2021-09-24 |
1 | Hadleyville | 2021-09-24 |
Season 3 (show/hide) |
Season 2 (show/hide) |
Season 1 (show/hide) |
Season 0 (show/hide) |
(Quelle: thetvdb.com)
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