Devil May Cry

The series is based on the manga and novel volumes, and sees the return of series regulars, Trish and Lady. In the show, Dante runs his devil-hunting business, Devil May Cry, while struggling under constant financial debt. There are also two new regular characters—Dante's agent Morrison who visits frequently, and Patty Lowell, a young orphan girl he saved in the first episode, who also visits frequently and shares a sisterly relationship with Dante. While the show's stories were mostly self-contained, a season-long plot was introduced in the first episode and came to the forefront in episodes 10-12. (Quelle:
Genre: Action | Adventure | Animation | Fantasy | Horror
First Aired: 2007-06-14 Status: Ended Length: 25 Min

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Season 1 (show/hide)
12 Stylish2007-09-06
11 Showtime2007-08-30
10 The Last Promise2007-08-26
9 Death Poker2007-08-09
8 Once Upon A Time2007-08-02
7 Wishes Come True2007-07-26
6 Rock Queen2007-07-19
5 In Private2007-07-12
4 Rolling Thunder2007-07-05
3 Not Love2007-06-28
2 Highway Star2007-06-21
1 Devil May Cry2007-06-14
Season 0 (show/hide)
1 DMC 4 The movie2011-05-15

Anonymisiert (8/10 Sterne) 2016-08-09 02:06
Der anime ist nicht mal ansatzweise so geil wie die spiel reihe obwohl der anime eig recht in ordnung ist. ist zwar nicht der geilste der welt aber ist wohl gut und ansehbar also wird keine enttäuschung sein guckt ihn euch einfach an

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