Club der roten Bänder

Overview Episodes+
The format is an adaptation of the Spanish TV series "Polseres vermelles" and sees itself as an idiosyncratic mixture of soap, comedy, medical drama and family drama. The focus is on a group of young people who live in a big city hospital and are unequal friends. Only by cohesion, they manage to grow up under the awkward circumstances. (Quelle:
Genre: Comedy | Drama
First Aired: 2015-11-09 Status: Ended Length: 45 Min

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Season 3 (show/hide)
10 The legacy2017-12-11
9 Liberation2017-12-11
8 The list2017-12-04
7 Letting go2017-12-04
6 A new home2017-11-27
5 Shock2017-11-27
4 Loving and dying2017-11-20
3 The value of life2017-11-20
2 The will2017-11-13
1 The return2017-11-13
Season 2 (show/hide)
10 The journey2016-12-05
9 Promise2016-12-05
8 The truth2016-11-28
7 Coma2016-11-28
6 The grave2016-11-21
5 Freedom2016-11-21
4 Trust2016-11-14
3 Farewells2016-11-14
2 The happiness of others2016-11-07
1 Back to life2016-11-07
Season 1 (show/hide)
10 The jump2015-12-07
9 Farewell2015-12-07
8 Birthday2015-11-30
7 The leg2015-11-30
6 Comets2015-11-23
5 Sunshine2015-11-23
4 Chemo2015-11-16
3 The expedition2015-11-16
2 The Club2015-11-09
1 The swimming pool2015-11-09
Season 0 (show/hide)
8 Club der roten Bänder - Wie alles begann2019-02-14
7 Wir sind unbesiegbar! (5) Das Ende der Erfolgsserie2017-12-11
6 Wir sind unbesiegbar! (4) Die Magie der Serie2017-12-04
5 Wir sind unbesiegbar!: (3) Kindheit und Jugend2017-11-27
4 Wir sind unbesiegbar!: (2) Liebe und Schicksal2017-11-20
3 Wir sind unbesiegbar!: (1) Die Kraft der Freundschaft2017-11-13
2 Die Geschichte lebt weiter!2016-12-12
1 Eine Geschichte bewegt die Welt2015-12-14


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