Doom Patrol

Overview EpisodesTrailer+
The Doom Patrol’s members each suffered horrible accidents that gave them superhuman abilities — but also left them scarred and disfigured. Traumatized and downtrodden, the team found purpose through The Chief, who brought them together to investigate the weirdest phenomena in existence — and to protect Earth from what they find. (Quelle:
Genre: Drama | Fantasy | Science Fiction
Available at: Prime Video (Can be changed/wrong by now. Report errors.)
First Aired: 2019-02-15 Status: Ended Length: 51 Min

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Season 4 (show/hide)
12 Done Patrol2023-11-09
11 Casey Patrol2022-12-22
10 Immortimas Patrol2023-10-19
9 Tomb Patrol2023-10-26
8 Orqwith Patrol2023-10-12
7 Portal Patrol2023-11-02
6 Nostalgia Patrol2022-12-15
5 Hope Patrol2023-01-05
4 Youth Patrol2022-12-29
3 Fame Patrol2023-10-12
2 Butt Patrol2022-12-08
1 Doom Patrol2022-12-08
Season 3 (show/hide)
10 Amends Patrol2021-11-11
9 Evil Patrol2021-11-04
8 Subconscious Patrol2021-10-28
7 Bird Patrol2021-10-21
6 1917 Patrol2021-10-14
5 Dada Patrol2021-10-07
4 Undead Patrol2021-09-30
3 Dead Patrol2021-09-23
2 Vacay Patrol2021-09-23
1 Possibilities Patrol2021-09-23
Season 2 (show/hide)
9 Wax Patrol2020-08-06
8 Dad Patrol2020-07-30
7 Dumb Patrol2020-07-23
6 Space Patrol2020-07-16
5 Finger Patrol2020-07-09
4 Sex Patrol2020-07-02
3 Pain Patrol2020-06-25
2 Tyme Patrol2020-06-25
1 Fun Size Patrol2020-06-25
Season 1 (show/hide)
15 Ezekiel Patrol2019-05-24
14 Penultimate Patrol2019-05-17
13 Flex Patrol2019-05-10
12 Cyborg Patrol2019-05-03
11 Frances Patrol2019-04-26
10 Hair Patrol2019-04-19
9 Jane Patrol2019-04-12
8 Danny Patrol2019-04-05
7 Therapy Patrol2019-03-29
6 Doom Patrol Patrol2019-03-22
5 Paw Patrol2019-03-15
4 Cult Patrol2019-03-08
3 Puppet Patrol2019-03-01
2 Donkey Patrol2019-02-22
1 Pilot2019-02-15


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