Andy Barker, P.I.

Overview Episodes+
In this comedy, Andy Barker (Andy Richter), a happy and successful CPA, decides to take a risk and open his own accounting business--after all, he's great at what he does and has never tasted the bitterness of defeat. Unfortunately for Andy, his life-long lucky streak comes to a sudden end when his business goes down the tube. Just when he thinks he's lost it all, a case of mistaken identity transforms Andy into a private detective--with a formidable talent for math. His number-crunching skills help him to become a great P.I., but his two careers continue to intersect in hilarious and unnerving ways. Andy will try to solve cases using his accounting knowledge. Wally (Marshall Manesh) is a convenience store owner. (Quelle:
Genre: Comedy | Crime | Mystery
First Aired: 2007-03-15 Status: Ended Length: 25 Min

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