Dave the Barbarian

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This animated comedy series is set in the Middle Ages and follows the title character, Dave, in his comedic adventures with his family (his sisters, Candy and Fang) as they protect themselves and their family from a world of oddball foes. Dave himself combines strength with an appreciation of the finer things in life, including origami, bird watching, and even gourmet cooking. (Quelle: thetvdb.com)
Genre: Adventure | Animation | Children | Comedy | Family | Fantasy
First Aired: 2004-01-23 Status: Ended Length: 11 Min

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Season 1 (show/hide)
43 Happy Glasses2005-01-22
42 Not a Monkey2005-01-22
41 Fiends & Family2004-12-30
40 Plunderball2004-12-30
39 Dog of Titans2004-12-29
38 Red Sweater of Courage2004-12-29
37 Shake, Rattle, & Roll Over2004-12-28
36 Bad Food2004-12-28
35 Night of the Living Plush2004-12-27
34 I Love Neddy2004-12-27
33 The Cow Says Moon2004-10-02
32 That Darn Ghost!2004-10-02
31 A Pig's Story2005-01-17
30 Floral Derangement2005-01-21
29 Lederhosen of Doom2005-01-21
28 The Lost Race of Reeber2004-04-30
27 The Brutish Are Coming2004-04-30
26 Horders & Sorcery2004-03-26
25 The Princess and the Peabrains2004-03-26
24 Silly Wiggly
23 The Figar
22 Thor, Loser2004-03-19
21 Termites of Endearment2004-03-19
20 Pipe Down!2004-02-27
19 Here There Be Dragons2004-02-27
18 Sweep Dreams2004-02-20
17 Sorcerer Material2004-02-20
16 Web2004-02-13
15 Band2004-02-13
14 Beauty and the Zit2004-02-06
13 The Way of The Dave2004-02-06
12 Terror of Mecha-Dave2004-01-30
11 Civilization2004-01-30
10 Slay What?2004-01-23
9 King for a Day or Two2004-01-23
8 Rite of Pillage2004-01-23
7 Beef!2004-01-23
6 Ned Frischman: Man of Tomorrow2004-01-23
5 Girlfriend2004-01-23
4 Lula's First Barbarian2004-01-23
3 Pet Threat2004-01-23
2 Shrink Rap2004-01-23
1 The Maddening Sprite of the Stump2004-01-23

(Quelle: thetvdb.com)
Anonymisiert (10/10 Sterne) 2016-08-09 02:20
einer meiner lieblings serien als kind

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